Tuesday, February 12, 2008


This is a sort of fried croissant, originating from south India. The wheat flour that is used makes for a dough that can be tossed and stretched till it is paper thin. Then it is folded over a few times, to create separate layers. The result is a many-layered partly-crispy-partly-soft pancake that resembles filo pastry.
The pancake is fried on a hot, oily griddle until it's cooked, and marked with brown spots, then served with a curry gravy. For some who do not like it spicy, instead of eating their prata with curry, they can sprinkle sugar over it and turn it into a savoury-sweet pancake.

Prata is a popular choice for breakfast and supper, although, to be honest, locals eat it any time they feel like it! It is no coincidence that many of Singapore's 24-hour food outlets are those that sell roti prata. And the favourite complement to a plate of the prata is a cup of steaming hot tea or coffee!
It may have originated in India, but it was here that flavoured dough and the very visual stretching and twirling were introduced, to create this delicious dish. Choose from an array of flavours - plain, onion, egg, tissue (with super-thin layers) and so on. There is also ice cream prata and cheese prata - possibly a world first!

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